A Van de Graaff generator is a device for making lots of static electricity. Static electricity is made from extra charges stored some place so that they can’t move. Normally charges don’t like to collect in one place. The like to find opposite charges as partners and run away from particles with the same charge. The generator makes static electricity the same way you do when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch a doorknob. Inside the generator is a giant rubber band that rubs across a piece of felt, stealing its electrons. The rubber band then spins around and the electrons travel up to the big metal ball on top. If you have a hand on the metal ball, the electrons will go into you.
If you touch the generator, all that electricity will go through your body giving you a big shock. It can actually be dangerous. You can be protected from the ground by standing on a piece of rubber or plastic. We say plastic and rubber are insulators since charges can’t travel through them very easily. When you touch the generator now, the charges can’t get to the ground. You are now filled up with electrons. The electrons don’t like each other and are trying to get as far away from each other as possibly. Usually this makes your hair stand up because it is filled with electrons that are repelling each other.
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